

  • 3590
  • 产品价格:面议
  • 发货地址:山东济南天桥区 包装说明:不限
  • 产品数量:4565645.00 台产品规格:不限
  • 信息编号:90667560公司编号:14530634
  • 魏衍安 微信 18866864784
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    相关产品: 济南至和顺物流往返公司


Service for the airline
Freight forwarding is acting as an airline agent in the air freight industry. It is designated as the acting of the International Aviation Association (IATA) on the rules formulated by the International Air Transport Association for the purpose of air cargo. In this relationship, it uses the air cargo technology of the airline to serve the consignor, and the airline gives it to the money. Together, as a freight forwarding agency, it continues to serve the consignor or consignee by providing services that are suitable for the degree of airlift.
Five. Work for the liner company
The relationship between the shipping agent and the liner company is different with the transaction. In recent years, the container service provided by the freight forwarders, that is, the collection and service of the spelling goods, has established a closer contact with the liner company and other carriers (such as the railway), but some countries have refused to pay the servants' servants to pay their servants. So they compete for money requirements internationally.
Six. Supply box service
With the increase in the intermediate shipment of international trade, the introduction of container and LCL services has provided the forwarder with the effect of the client. The fundamental significance of a collection and a box is to assemble a number of shippers from a shipped place to the other consignee of another intent, to be sent to the intended freight forwarder as an entire shipment, and to give the consignee to the consignee.
A bill of lading issued by a freight forwarder, that is, a bill of lading or other similar receipts to the consignor of each shipment, is forwarding to the consignee on the basis of the original bill of lading to the port of destination. The receiving and consignor of LCL does not directly contact the carrier. For the carrier, the freight forwarder is the consignor, while the freight forwarder cares about the acting agent of the port. Therefore, the carrier issues the entire bill of lading or waybill to the freight forwarder. If the consignor or consignee has special requirements, the freight forwarder can also provide services for delivery and delivery at the place of delivery and intending to provide door-to-door service.
Seven. Supply multimodal transport service
One of the more far-reaching effects of containerization was that he intervened in multimodal transport, which he had served as the primary carrier and assumed the delivery of goods under a single contract, through a variety of transport methods. It can negotiate and sign contracts with other carriers or other service providers in the capacity of the parties concerned.

欢迎来到济南焱安物流有限公司网站,我公司位于泉水众多,素有“四面荷花三面柳,一城山色半城湖”美誉的济南市。 具体地址是山东济南天桥区济南市天桥区泉胜物流C区33-35号,联系人是魏衍安。
联系电话是0531-58829735, 主要经营济南焱安物流(济南到阳泉,济南到太原)是一家专业从事道路货物运输的公司,公司人员持有*的物流师资格证书。公司位于济南市天桥区泉胜物流C区33-35号,地处京福、济青高速来往车辆必经之地,主营济南到山西太原,阳泉,寿阳,榆次,交城,中转山西全境,我公司备有4.2米----9.6米高栏货车6部,专线往返,公司员工共同努力,团结奋进,服务热情,赢得了济南,山西多家客户的信任,建立了良好的业务关系。。
单位注册资金单位注册资金人民币 500 - 1000 万元。

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